Dear Parent / Carer
We are very aware that this is a difficult time for our young people, parents and staff. The health and wellbeing of our school community is always our priority. With the continuing lockdown, we are all facing challenges. Young people will be missing their friends and that sense of purpose that comes from the structure and routine of the school day. Families may also be facing worries in these uncertain times. The building may be shut, but as a school community, we are still here for you and our young people. Your child’s guidance teacher or year head, should continue to be your first point of contact. You can contact them through kyle.mail@south-ayrshire.gov.uk Your email will be directed to the appropriate person and they will get back to you as soon as they can.
Staff are working hard to enable pupils to continue their learning at home through Microsoft Teams on Glow. An overview of the learning planned for this term is available on this website. As staff and young people become more familiar with and confident about using Microsoft Teams, we will be developing our remote learning provision. A few staff have already begun live streaming lessons. Not all staff have the skills or technology to do this yet but we are working on it. If you have no access to any of the IT resources, please get in touch with your child’s guidance teacher in the first instance through kyle.mail@south-ayrshire.gov.uk who will be able to help.
If you are the parent of a pupil about to join the Kyle Community in the new S1 or as a new pupil, you are very welcome. This website provides information about the school and there is a page specifically for P7 Transition. We look forward to welcoming you in person in, hopefully, the not too distant future.
You can keep up-to-date with Kyle life on Twitter @KyleAcad. Take care everyone.
Best wishes
Mary Byrne
Head Teacher