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What is it?


The Fairtrade Cooperative is a group of pupils, staff and parents who try to reduce poverty in the world by encouraging people to buy Fairtrade products. In some parts of the world, people are exploited and are not paid a fair amount of money for the products they produce. The Fairtrade initiative across the world makes sure that these people do get a fair price for the products they produce.


How can I join?


You can contact Mr Miller of the History / Modern Studies Department.  The group meets every Monday lunchtime in room SS1.


What have they achieved?


The team worked hard to help Kyle Academy become a Fair Trade School.  Last session they retained their status through new projects.  Projects have included the following:


1.  They sell Fairtrade products in the school every Friday lunchtime.


2.  They host the annual ‘Big Brew.  Each year they invite members of the local community and members of the Ayr Fairtrade group to come along and enjoy Fairtrade tea, coffee and cakes.


3.  They provide Fairtrade tea, coffee and snacks at most school social events.


4.  Last year they held a very successful Eco Fair Trade Christmas Fair.


5.  They met with the Leader of the Council, who agreed to erect signage to show that Ayr was a Fairtrade town.  You can see the signs on Holmston Road.


6.  They led a workshop at the South Ayrshire Curriculum for Excellence Festival for all teachers in South Ayrshire to advise other schools on how to achieve Fairtrade status.


7.  Last year they supported and advised pupils at Forehill, Grammar, Alloway and Annbank primary schools in their efforts to understand and promote Fair Trade.


8.  They run an annual competition with our feeder primary schools to promote Fairtrade and to inform our future pupils at Kyle what Fairtrade activities they can get involved in at the school.


9.  They took Fairtrade cakes to West FM where they spent the morning with staff speaking about Fairtrade.


10.  In S1 all pupils experience or learn about Fairtrade by Inter-Disciplinary Learning in a variety of subjects during Fairtrade Fortnight.


11.  They addressed a full meeting of South Ayrshire Council in November to seek the support of elected members for their cause.


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